

Technological phase-out experiences in the Energy Sector: Using historic and international analogues to inform ‘net zero’ heat decarbonisation policymaking in the UK

Decarbonising heat is seen as probably the most difficult policy and technology challenge to meet the UK’s net-zero carbon emission targets. In the context of...

Conclusions from the DEePRED project – distributional impacts of flexible electricity tariffs

Whilst flexible electricity tariffs, such as Time-of-Use (ToU) and real-time, play an important role in motivating the shift of electricity demand away from the...

Rebound effects erode half the energy savings from improved energy efficiency: Implications for the Net Zero transition

Topic overview: Global energy scenarios [1] consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement project either a slow growth in global final energy demand (0 to 1%...

Net zero heating: identifying evolvable least-cost system architectures for the UK

The UK’s 2019 commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 has profound implications for all sectors of the UK economy. Good progress has been achieved ...

Using qualitative social science to investigate the desirability of decarbonisation pathways: evidence from the FLEXIS project

Decarbonisation of energy systems is an urgent global social goal, to which technological innovation to address the need for flexible energy systems will be a m...

The human capital implications of net zero on the energy sector

This paper presents the findings of research carried out by the National Skills Academy for Power (NSAP) into the current and future human capital requirements ...

Balancing act: How to align social and environmental interests in the light of the pandemic and in the pursuit of net zero

This paper will address the question: ‘How do institutions, governance processes and business models in the energy sector redesign to deliver fairer social an...

Electric cars: prone to disruption by something else entirely?

Believe the hype and the internal combustion engine is on course for the end of its reign with the era of electric mobility inevitable. But the reality is fa...

Exploring the implications of landscape visual impact of renewable technologies for future low carbon energy systems in Great Britain

Policymakers require reliable information about the cost and potential capacities of renewable energy technologies. The realizable potential for these technolog...

Regional energy futures as decision support in the transition to net zero emissions: North of Tyne case study

Futures studies have a variety of purposes: to inform policy, assist investment or business strategy. They can even change perceptions of what the future may ho...

Why innovation is vital to achieving net zero

Vivid Economics is conducting the Global Innovation Needs Assessments project (GINAs). This project builds on UK’s Energy Innovation Needs Assessment (EINA) p...

The “Glide-Path” to Net Zero

Too shallow/slow and we miss our target, too deep/fast and the transition collapses
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