

This page is designed as a helpful resource for students with links to a range of UK and international data sources, scenarios, and career advice. Let us know if there are other sites you think should be added to this page.

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Energy scenarios

Scenarios of the future:

  • International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook
  • BP Energy Outlook
  • Shell Scenarios
  • Climate Change Committee (2020) The Sixth Carbon Budget. Advice to the UK government on the level of greenhouse gas emissions between 2033 and 2037, as part of a long-term commitment to reduce emissions to Net Zero by 2050 (earlier budgets were based on an 80% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050). The Committee is an independent panel of experts, supported by a small staff.
  • National Grid ESO Future Energy Scenarios These give a range of futures for energy in Great Britain, concentrating on the electricity sector
  • Energy Modelling OpenMod Initiative

Data sources


  • Official UK data comes from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and from the Office for National Statistics.  The key publications are: The Digest of UK Energy Statistics (known as DUKES) an annual update of quantities and some prices
  • Quarterly Energy Prices
  • Energy Trends: a quarterly publication with information on quantities, and articles on particular topics
  • The Oil and Gas Authority holds a large amount of data
  • Elexon, the company managing the Balancing and Settlement Code, holds data on the operation of the electricity system
  • National Grid ESO (Electricity System Operator), is another source of information
  • National Grid also manages the gas transmission system
    The UKERC Energy Data Centre holds a range of information, including datasets deposited by other researchers
  • Electricity Insights
  • Renewables Ninja
  • BBC briefing on the UK energy system


  • The easiest single overview of international energy data is the BP world energy statistics, available to download as a spreadsheet here. Its main drawbacks are that it does not include “non-commercial energy” (mostly traditional biomass) or individual data for smaller countries.
  • International Energy Agency data is more complete, and can be accessed through the UK Data Service. The reports include energy balances, information on particular fuels, prices and taxes, research and development spending, and emissions. The data service also allows access to the World Energy Outlook and Energy Technology Perspectives reports.
  • The US Energy Information Administration concentrates on US data, but also some international series, and daily crude oil prices for WTI and Brent (for other energy sources, look under “sources and uses”)

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  • Find a PhD lists funded PhD projects seeking students
  • JOE Network: Job openings for economists service run by the American Economic Association.
  • Econ Job Market is similar to the AEA
  • UK jobs more general UK jobs site

Careers Advice and Support

  • Economics Network, which focuses on providing teaching advice, aimed both at established staff and at new PhD students starting to help with teaching – the network runs training courses

Forums and Networking


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