

IEA World Energy Outlook 2020

The focus for the World Energy Outlook 2020 is firmly on the next 10 years, exploring in detail the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the energy sector....

Optimistic About Energy – Greg Jackson Octopus Energy

'Rapid technology change will bring about a green energy revolution faster than anyone has forecast.  What we today see as problems are huge opportunities.'...

The Future of Renewable Energy – Challenge & Opportunities

Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO of ACWA Power offers a first-hand perspective on how renewable energy has become a cost competitive value proposition and how...

What is climate finance, and how does it connect to real investments?

What is needed on the policy side, and what is the role of ‘investment grade policy’? Why is investment confidence in a sector so important, and how does it...

What is climate finance, and how does it connect to real investments?

What are the key resources available to support countries transition to net zero and resilient development? What is the role of policy and public finance and h...

Gearing up for COP26

Pete Betts  Director for International Climate and Energy in the UK government for a decade and lead negotiator for the EU and the UK on climate shares his per...

Prospering from the Energy Revolution – Innovate UK

Innovation and transformation of the energy market is required if the UK wants to meet decarbonisation targets.  How can this be achieved from a national persp...

Innovation in the Energy Sector

Iván Castro from Social Energy, discusses how his firm is using AI to support their innovative energy supply business model.

Hydrogen for Heat Shell

Michael Copson Head of Business Development Shell

National Grid UK Winter Gas Outlook

Robert Gibson, Whole System and Gas Supply Manager National Grid

Hydrogen for heat: insights from net zero analysis

Jenny Hill, Head of Buildings, Industry and Bioenergy, Committee on Climate Change

We’re going to burn what? Hydrogen for heat in the UK

Adam Hawkes Co-Director Sustainable Gas Institute  Imperial College
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