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UK Biofuels industry overview 2011

Ann Cormack, Xynteo An overview of Xynteo and The Global Leadership & Technology Exchange is provided. The global picture for biofuels is discussed in rela...

Where Next for US Policy on CO2 and Climate Issues?

David Robinson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and The Brattle Group Provides an overview of recent changes to US policy on climate change. This is discus...

Global Gas and LNG Balance 2010

Michael Smith, BP Provides an overview of recent developments in key markets, in respect to regional supply and demand, LNG supply and demand, and price signal...

Contract Renegotiation and Rent Re-Redistribution: Who Gets Raked Over the Coals?

Dr Ian Lange, University of Stirling Policy shocks affect the rent distribution in long-term contracts, which can lead to such contracts being renegotiated.  ...

Prospects For LNG To Contribute To The “20-20-20” Targets As A Transition Fuel

Mr John Holding Given the EU targets - set some 3½ years ago now  – which are to be met by 2020: A reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 2...

Energy Efficiency and pace model

Nadia Ameli , UC Berkeley An economic transition is needed to a low-carbon, sustainable, and job producing model. In thatprocess, improving commercial and resi...

Tackling Carbon Leakage 2009

Professor Michael Grubb, Climate Strategies If damaging externalities are not internalised in prices, there is no basis to assume that economic liberalisation ...

Outlook for the Global Economy and Oil Demand

Christof Rühl, BP The context of global economic stability and growth are considered in relation to the US, China, Germany, Japan and the UK. The link between...

American Developments and Transatlantic Linking: advancing climate policies in the face of a global recession

Cameron Hepburn, Oxford University An overview of US climate bills, in context of EPA Regulations, the Waxman-Markely Bill and the Boxer-Kerry Bill is set out....

Energy and Environmental Challenges in the New Global Economy

Andrew Sentance, Bank of England. Provides an analysis of recovery in terms of global economic growth following the recent financial crisis, considering the r...

Oil Market Outlook 2009

Philip K. Verleger, Jr and David Mitchell, University of Calgary This paper provides an alternative view to the book Twilight in the Desert that argued that oi...

Oil Markets in 2008

Paul Horsnell, Barclays Capital Provides a detailed overview of oil markets in 2008, considering drivers to demand, growth and price. Annual changes to the for...
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