
Downloads / Innovation

BIEE Conference 2024: National Grid Presentation (Rebecca Sedler)

Presentation delivered at the BIEE Policy Conference 2024 by Rebecca Sedler (Managing Director - Interconnectors, National Grid).

Impact of Timing and Type of Requests for Flexible Domestic Energy Use

Cohen R. Simpson Centre for Net Zero London School of Economics, Methodology Andrew Schein Centre for Net Zero andrew...

The role of innovation in battery development and the uptake of EVs

Neil Morris, CEO, The Faraday Institution A recent study to identify the maximum opportunity for electric vehicle and battery cell production concluded that de...

Fuelling our road revolution with renewable energy

  and how innovation is putting customers in control and unlocking grid flexibility Fiona Howarth, CEO, Octopus Electric Vehicles

Economic innovation as part of the energy transformation

Mark Taylor, Deputy Director of Innovation, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy The role of innovation can support a healthy economy desi...

Energy entrepreneurship business models innovation: insights from European emerging firms

Michael Hamwi, ESTIA The power sector stands at the edge of a transition phase in which the liberalization of energy markets has paved the way for a new set of...

The role of utilities in enabling prosumers and flexible distributed energy resources

Daniel Quiggin, Chatham House This paper explores how utilities could transform as the electricity system undergoes a second phase of transformations and the b...

Integrating prosumers into the electricity grid: the interplay between technology and people

Yael Parag. Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya In the era of renewable and decentralized energy systems, prosumers are becoming crucial as they provide a...

Attitudes, preferences and intentions to participate in peer-to-peer electricity trading: The case of Southwest German households

André Hackbarth, Reutlingen University Overview The share of electricity produced   from renewable resources in Germany increased to almost 32% in 2015,Â...

Technological change and innovation in UK energy market – how might it be impacted by the price cap?

Philip O'Donnell; Which? Background With the publication of the Domestic Gas & Electricity (Tariff Cap) Bill, the UK Government is committed to introduc...

The Customer and the Changing Energy Landscape

  In his speech, Iain Conn Centrica CEO talked about the rapidly changing energy landscape ‘a transformational moment for the energy industry, which bea...

Innovation and Collaboration

Tom Jennings, Policy Director, The  Carbon Trust
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