

Security Issues: Strategic storage and security of gas supply in the UK

David Cox and Andrew Nind, Poyry Energy Consulting The delivery of significant quantities of reliable, new gas supplies is required to meet future demand for g...

Demand Policies: Incorporating Behavioural Responses within a Technology Optimization Energy Model

Ramachandran Kannan and Neil Strachan, Policy Studies Institute This paper details modelling efforts within the UK Energy Research Centre’s Energy System Mod...

Demand Policies: Can Energy Services companies deliver low carbon new build homes?

Sharad Saxena, Oxford University Centre for the Environment The UK has set for itself an ambitious target of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 60% by 2050. ...

Demand Policies: Energy Consumption Takes Time

John Dimitropoulos, University of Sussex Although time has been recognised as an important factor determining patterns of consumption, its importance for energ...

Energy Policies in a Global Context

Paul Chambers, Defra Forecast global carbon reductions from 2002 to 2030 are reviewed, indicating that energy efficiency is expected to account for over 50% of...

Japanese Energy Policy and Asian Energy Challenges

Tatsuo Masuda, Tokyo Institute of Technology Sets out the context for the development of Japan’s energy policy from 1945 to present, covering six phases, fro...

Oil Markets into 2006

Peter Davies, BP Sets out the context for oil and energy today in respect to: oil and gas prices; shares of world primary energy consumption; and drivers for h...

UK Gas and Electricity Supplies: A review of the winter 2003-04

John Greasley and Simon Griew, National Grid Transco Sets out the pre-winter view from Grid; in respect to gas covering: transportation requirements; gas for...
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