

A Fit-For-Purpose energy policy for the European Union

Ms Samuela  Bassi, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom Prof...

A meta-analysis of the capability and performance of the energy innovation system in 40 countries

Dr Fionn  Rogan, University College Cork, Ireland Dr Paul Bolger, University College Cork,Ireland Prof Brian ó Gallachóir, University College Cork, ...

IEA Special Report on Energy and Air Pollution

World Energy Outlook 2016 Special Report on Energy and Air Pollution Energy-related air pollution leads to millions of premature deaths and costs the global eco...

A perspective on whole systems energy modelling

In principle energy system modelling seems to be potentially an important tool to support thinking about decarbonisation strategy, but in some ways it seems to ...

The Customer and the Changing Energy Landscape

  In his speech, Iain Conn Centrica CEO talked about the rapidly changing energy landscape ‘a transformational moment for the energy industry, which bea...

UK Carbon Policy Post Paris

At the end of November last year, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) provided its advice to the Government on the level of the 5th carbon budget (the limit o...

The Future of Coal in a Low Carbon World

Hugh Lee, Independent Consultant

Is CCS Dead and if not how can it be resuscitated?

Following the UK government’s decision to cancel its £1bn competition for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology at the end of November the future of of...

Climate Change Action to 2030 and Beyond

Matthew Bell , CEO, The Committee on Climate Change

Scottish Renewables

Niall Stuart Chief Executive Scottish Renewables

Why Scotland should not aspire to achieve its 100% renewables target by 2020?

Gbenga Ibikunle, University of Edinburgh Business School

Natural Gas – A Stepping stone or an Endpoint?

Professor Nigel Brandon, OBE FrEng, Director of the Sustainable Gas Institute, Imperial College London
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