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The possible impact of Brexit on UK and European Energy

Antony Frogatt, Research Fellow, Chatham House

Heat: a Challenge or Opportunity for Natural Gas ?

Professor Nigel Brandon , Director of the Sustainable Gas Institute , Imperial College Professor Nigel Brandon, OBE FREng, is Director of the Sustainable Gas I...

National Grid : UK Winter Gas Outlook 2016

An interesting winter in prospect ? Simon Durk. Market Insights Manager, National Grid Simon Durk has extensive experience in analytical teams in National Gri...

The Economics of New Nuclear

As  the controversy surrounding the building of  Hinkley Point C continues,  Dr Simon Taylor  will review the state of the new nuclear programme in the UK a...

Innovation: A key enabler? Or a distraction from action?

Jo Coleman, Director Strategy Development, ETI

Maximising Economic Recovery from the UKCS – are policies and practices sufficiently aligned?

Mike Tholen, Economics Director, Oil & Gas UK 

Energy Policy After the Election

Dieter Helm, Professor of Energy  Policy,  University of Oxford. In 2015 British energy policy faces big challenges for EMR, for the capacity and feed in tar...

Technology and Innovation Issues for a Low Carbon Economy

George Day, Andrew Haslett , ETI

Technology and Innovation Issues for a Low Carbon Economy

George Day, Andrew Haslett , ETI

Anticipating the Paris Climate Negotiations

The forthcoming  international negotiations at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) are widely regarded as critically important to the prospects for effe...

Envisioning Smarter Power Futures: UK Smart Grid Scenarios

Dr Peter Connor, University of Exeter, Tom Watson, University of Westminster, Nazmiye Balta-Ozkan, University of Westminster, Colin Axon, Brunel University, Lor...

Financing the UK Power Sector: is the Money Available?

 Dr Rob Gross, Imperial College, London Dr William Blyth, Imperial College The electricity sector needs to renew its ageing generation fleet, and shift towar...
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