
Downloads / Global

Getting Global Agreements on Climate Issues

Lavan Mahadeva . OIES. Lavan Mahadeva’s presentation covered an important but particular aspect of the search for global agreement, namely the question of bu...

Global Agreements National Policies

A number of factors in combination make the issues of global climate uniquely challenging: residual uncertainty over fundamentals, and limited public and poli...

Global Gas Market Dynamics

Mike Smith, Gas Trading Analytics BP plc, looks at the influence of weather and macro economic factors on the global gas market, and provides an overview of rec...

Unconventional gas – A review of estimates

Mr Jamie Speirs, Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT) The future potential for unconventional gas production remains contentious, with ques...

Energy Market Outlook

Christof Ruehl  BP plc

Shell Scenarios

Jeremy Bentham Vice President Global Environment .  Shell uses scenarios to explore the future.  These scenarios are not mechanical forecasts. They recognise...

BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Each June BP  publishes  the annual data that has been collected on the world’s energy markets, to assess what has happened this last year and how last year...

Is Energy Efficiency Sustainable?

Malcolm Keay, OIES This presentation looks at the links between energy efficiency and sustainability and concludes that they are much more complex than they mi...

Feeding the Nine Billion

Lord Krebs, Committee on Climate Change How can we feed 9 billion people equitably, healthily and sustainably? Provide enough water and energy for a growing po...

BP 2030 Energy Outlook

Christof Ruhl BP plc This outlook  identifies long-term energy trends, building on  the BP  Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projection...

Volatility transmission in crude oil 2011

X. Jin, S. Lin and M. Tamvakis, Cass Business School City University London Using three main pricing benchmarks (Brent, WTI, and Dubai), research was carried o...

The Prospects for Oil Prices 2011

Prof. Paul Stevens, Chatham House Prospects for 2012 are consider against a framework of analysis that examined what happened in 2011 in the ‘wet barrel’ m...
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