
Downloads / Climate change

Gearing up for COP26

Pete Betts  Director for International Climate and Energy in the UK government for a decade and lead negotiator for the EU and the UK on climate shares his per...

Climate Change and Actuarial Risk

Oliver Bettis BSc FIA FCII, Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)

The IEA’s Special Report on Energy and Climate Change

Dan Dorner,  Senior Analyst, International Energy Agency. In advance of the crucial COP21 climate meeting in Paris in December, the IEA  report responds to t...

Anticipating the Paris Climate Negotiations

The forthcoming  international negotiations at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) are widely regarded as critically important to the prospects for effe...

A UK dash for ‘smart’ gas

Ms Samuela Bassi, Grantham Research Institute James Rydge, New Climate Economy Cheng Seong Khor, Petronas University Samuel Fankahuser, Grantham Research Ins...

Reducing the UK Carbon Footprint

Kavita Srinivasan . The CCC Secretariat . Whilst UK greenhouse gas emissions measured on a production basis have been falling, there is clear evidence that the...

Perspectives on India

Anupama Sen  OIES Anupama Sen  describes  some important features of the approach to the climate change debate in India. The Indian narrative could be descr...

Global Agreements National Policies

A number of factors in combination make the issues of global climate uniquely challenging: residual uncertainty over fundamentals, and limited public and poli...

The Scientific Case for Action on Emissions

In this presentationProf Sir Brian Hoskins,  Director of the  Grantham Institute Imperial College,  gives  a summary of the essentials of climate science, ...

The CCC Review of Bioenergy

Dr Ute Collier, Committee on Climate Change Discusses the nature of bioenergy in respect to feedstocks, conversion processes, and the potential end uses (heat ...

Shipping Emissions Report CCC 2011

Neil Golborne, Committee on Climate Change The review has a number of key messages, including a recognition that current UK international shipping emissions ar...

Advanced Bioethanol production Biofuels 2011

Graham Rice, INEOS Bio The INEOS Bio company and technology portfolio are described, discussing different pathways to bioethanol production (hydrolysis, gasifi...
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