
Downloads / Asia

Russia’s Eastern Gas Strategy 2010

Professor Mike Bradshaw, University of Leicester The state-sponsored Eastern Programme was initiated in 2007, with Gazprom being given a monopoly over its impl...

Global Gas and LNG Balance 2010

Michael Smith, BP Provides an overview of recent developments in key markets, in respect to regional supply and demand, LNG supply and demand, and price signal...

Oil Supply Analysis from the Goldman Sachs Top230 Study

Michele Della Vigna, Goldman Sachs International The Top230 study models the largest 230 new oil and gas developments in the world to provide insight into the ...

Energy and Environmental Challenges in the New Global Economy

Andrew Sentance, Bank of England. Provides an analysis of recovery in terms of global economic growth following the recent financial crisis, considering the r...

Petro-Authoritarianism in Russia

Christopher Granville, Trusted Sources. 26 April 2007 Provides an overview of the increasing state control of the Russian oil and gas sectors in terms of its ...

Japanese Energy Policy and Asian Energy Challenges

Tatsuo Masuda, Tokyo Institute of Technology Sets out the context for the development of Japan’s energy policy from 1945 to present, covering six phases, fro...
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