
Resources / Energy demand

The impact of future heat demand pathways on the economics of low carbon heating systems

Mr Robert Sansom, Imperial College The demand for heat will have a fundamental influence on all the associated assets required from supply to delivery through ...

Passenger Road Transport in the Long Run

Katharina Gruenberg, Shell Research Ltd In a rapidly changing world the demand for energy seems ever increasing. Good insight into future energy demand levels ...

Personal carbon Taxation: its role in climate policy

Dr Tina Fawcett University of Oxford In the UK, there is currently little interest in exploring increased direct personal carbon taxation as a response to clim...

Making the least reactive pay: A consumer penalty/reward mechanism for Demand Response programs

Dr Jacopo Torriti, University of Surrey The orthodox approach for incentivising Demand Response (DR) programs is that utility losses from capital costs, instal...

Regulating energy suppliers to deliver energy demand reduction

Dr Nick Eyre, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford  Regulation of energy companies to provide energy efficiency improvements for their custome...

To what extent can non-price/income instruments influence the demand for energy?: A longitudinal state-space analysis of the UEDT from a panel of 17 OECD countries.

Mr David Broadstock, Surrey Energy Economics Centre   The demand for energy is not simply a function of price and income, but can be shown in many cases to ...
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