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Shell’s World Energy Mode

Mr Martin Haigh, Shell  Every five years or so, Shell conducts a major scenario study to look at alternative futures for the world's energy system.  Over t...

Transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK: assessing the compatibility of large-scale and small-scale options

Dr Tim Foxon, University of Leeds  This paper will describe initial work on transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK, being pursued in a...

Transmission access – developing a regime to facilitate the delivery of the UK’s Renewable Targets

Mr Philip Baker, Exeter University Abstract for BIEE 7th Academic Conference The New Energy Challenge: Security and Sustainability A Job for Government...

Characterising risk and uncertainty for CCS investments in the UK

Ms Hannah Chalmers, University of Surrey  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies have been recognised by policy-makers and scientists as a potentiall...

The role of public policy and its relation to private sector investment in driving innovation for a low carbon and secure UK electricity system- a Historical Perspective

Mr Nick Hughes, King's College London The configuration of technologies and infrastructure which currently supports the UK electricity system owes much to th...

Fostering the development and deployment of low carbon technologies: Lessons from the Carbon Trust

Mr Florian Kern, SPRU, University of Sussex  UK policy-makers are increasingly confronting the challenge of restructuring energy systems into more sustainab...

Energy and carbon scenarios of China for the 21st Century

Dr Tao Wang, Sussex Energy Group and Tyndall Centre  China's economy has expanded rapidly during the last two decades at nearly 10% per year. This has lead ...
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