
Downloads / EMR

Energy Policy After the Election

Dieter Helm, Professor of Energy  Policy,  University of Oxford. In 2015 British energy policy faces big challenges for EMR, for the capacity and feed in tar...

Keeping the Lights On

Ian Marchant. In his former role as CEO of SSE, Ian Marchant was outspoken about the risk of the UK’s  "lights going out” unless further action was taken ...

UK Energy Policy: A Little Less Intervention, a Little More Action

Nick White, Managing Partner, Arthur D Little The UK is facing major energy challenges. Aging infrastructure, greater reliance on gas imports and tighter contr...

Financing a changing UK power sector

Neil Bush, Deputy Director and Head Energy Economist, DECC  

Policy Issues for Financiers : EMR Update and EU

Kirsty Hamilton, Low Carbon Finance Group

Decarbonising the UK Energy Market

 Jonathan Brearley, DECC DECC’s objective is to achieve secure, low carbon, affordable electricity; whilst meeting the UK targets for renewable energy and c...

Will EMR Work?

Rob Gross, Imperial College Based on the government’s goals for EMR, its success could be judged by how effectively the power sector is decarbonised by 2030,...
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