
Resources / Energy and environment

China’s Role in Advancing Climate Policies in the Face of a Global Recession

Antony Froggatt , Chatham House. China plays a key role in the interactions between global energy prices, CO2 emissions and global economic output. In terms of...

Security and Sustainability

David Newbery, University of Cambridge 2008. What is the relationship between climate change, RD&D for low carbon investment and energy security? Security ...

Oil, Energy Markets and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.   Currently oil and other commodity prices, volatility, and the international financial crisis are a...

Energy White Paper: Overview

Professor David Newbery, Cambridge University As well as comparing the 2003 and 2007 Energy White Papers, progress since 2003 is set out. For different sectors...

Valuing Carbon: From theory to practice and back (again)

Professor Michael Grubb, The Carbon Trust  There are two main discourses around carbon, the first relating to what the cost of carbon should be. It is suggest...

Saving Energy

Dr Brenda Boardman, ECI,  Oxford University In the context of the challenge to cut carbon emissions, the task is huge, but possible. The 40% House study provi...

Reducing Energy Use in UK Transport

Professor David Banister, Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University The UK transport sector is responsible for over a quarter of UK energy use and GHG emission...

Carbon Capture and Storage

Dr Jon Gibbins, Imperial College Tracks the development of CCS thinking within Government since the 2003 EWP, setting out the measures that are proposed to s...

Electricity Generation: Nuclear Power

Professor Gordon Mackerron, SPRU, University of Sussex Nuclear investment within the UK is becoming credible again because: the political fall-out from Cherno...

Transport: Contracting UK carbon emissions: implications for UK aviation

Alice Bows, University of Manchester Stabilising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at or below 550ppmv is widely believed to be necessary to avoid ‘d...

Transport: Effect of a Pay-As-You-Drive charge on the adoption of lower carbon vehicles

Ben Lane, EcoLane and James Warren, OU It is now becoming clear that the ACEA voluntary agreement for reducing CO2 emissions from new cars to 140g/km by 2008 ...

Innovation Policy: The Sailing Ship Effect and its Potential Influence on Energy Transitions and Policy

Peter Pearson, Imperial College The (contested) hypothesis of the Sailing Ship Effect (hereafter SSE) suggests that for some technologies the advent of a new a...
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