
Resources / Conference Presentations

Security of Supply for the UK

Professor Jonathan Stern, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Although the 2007 EWP seeks to define energy security, its approach is insufficient. In particul...

Reducing Energy Use in UK Transport

Professor David Banister, Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University The UK transport sector is responsible for over a quarter of UK energy use and GHG emission...

Renewable Energy in the 2007 Energy White Paper

Professor Catherine Mitchell, University of Exeter Provides an overview of progress on renewables within the UK, the current support mechanisms for them, new ...

Carbon Capture and Storage

Dr Jon Gibbins, Imperial College Tracks the development of CCS thinking within Government since the 2003 EWP, setting out the measures that are proposed to s...

Electricity Generation: Nuclear Power

Professor Gordon Mackerron, SPRU, University of Sussex Nuclear investment within the UK is becoming credible again because: the political fall-out from Cherno...

Energy White Paper 2007: Meeting the Energy Challenge

Vicky Pryce, BERR This provides a brief overview of the 2007 Energy White Paper (EWP), setting the policy and analytical context and some key highlights. The k...

Energy White Paper: Overview

Professor David Newbery, Cambridge University As well as comparing the 2003 and 2007 Energy White Papers, progress since 2003 is set out. For different sectors...

Energy White Paper 2007

“Meeting the Energy Challenge”, the White Paper on Energy, was published on May 23, 2007 following several years of intense energy policy review and debate....

Transport: The demand for gasoline in Japan to 2020 and new car fuel efficiency

David Bonilla, University of Cambridge Japanese private vehicle fuel efficiency has not improved significantly since 1989. The objective of the paper is to pre...

High Energy Prices and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Energy Institute The relationship between energy prices and the world economy is examined. World growth has been strong and benign ...

Geopolitics: The New Security Environment for European Gas: Worsening Geopolitics and Increasing Global Competition for LNG

Jonathan Stern, Oxford Energy Institute The combination of impending decline of indigenous production, political and institutional obstacles to gas export de...

Geopolitics: Understanding Gazprom

Nicholas Perry, PES Ltd Russian military doctrine would encourage Gazprom to ‘think in 4-D’, to move swiftly, unexpectedly, and on multiple axes, to ‘con...
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