
An Integrating Approach to Energy-Climate Security and Policy

Prof Michael Grubb , ULC

Professor Michael Grubb is a distinguished economist and academic.  His new book, Planetary Economics, attempts to define “three domains” of sustainable development, and provides new perspectives on a range of energy and economic  issues.

This presentation presented some key points from the author’s recent book Planetary Economics and outline implications for energy and climate change policy in the UK and Europe, with a focus on integration of security and economic concerns.   The book argues that stable policy needs to integrate three different domains of economic decision-making, each of which implies different pillars of policy.  Many of the failures and instabilities of energy markets and policies over the past few years can be traced to over-reliance on one or other of these pillars, without understanding their interdependence and interactions.  The presentation explores these interactions, and also their links to both concerns about energy bills, and wider debates in macroeconomics.Prof Grubb  discussed a number of recent events and developments, including events in the Ukraine, EU climate policy, and recent IPCC reports and set these in the context of the thinking in his new book.

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