
Is There a Plan ? UK Energy Policy for the 2020s - Registration

Registration Fees

Registration for this conference has now closed as it is full.

Registration fees include seminar pack, conference proceedings,  buffet lunch, tea/coffee breaks, and drinks reception and attendance certificate (optional.)

Registration Category
BIEE  members * 280
General /Non members*** 360
BIEE Student members****

VAT not applicable

*    Includes BIEE only members  and  BIEE/IAEE joint members
**  IAEE only members
***Fee for non members includes 3 months complimentary membership of BIEE to provide access to conference  presentations and reports after the conference
**** Student places limited to 10 and available to BIEE student  members on first come first serve basis. BIEE membership costs £10 and you can join here.  Student members need to contact  Joanna Hambridge  for a discount code before registering online. BIEE  also offers student members some  financial assistance    with UK travel expenses to attend conferences. Certificates of attendance can be provided if required.


To Register

  • Online using the online registration form , with payment by debit or credit card.
    • BIEE  members please log in  using the button above  which will take you to the member registration page.
    • Corporate/institutional  members please log in  with corporate log in  user name and password  which will take you to the corporate regstration page or  contact Joanna Hambridge for  a link.
    • IAEE only members  please click on non member registration button and  enter  your IAEE   discount code your IAEE membership number at checkout
    • BIEE Student Members need to contact  Joanna Hambridge     to request a discount code before registering. Students do not need to log in but should click on non member registration button above or go directly  to the Eventbrite General Admission  registrations page and enter the code there.
    • Non members please click on non member registration button above or go directly  to the Eventbrite General Admission  registrations page.
  • By post with payment by cheque. Please download  and send the completed  the  Registration Form with your cheque to  Joanna Hambridge  at the BIEE conference office address on the registration form.
  • BACS transfer Organisations registering more than one delegate may pay by BACS (BACS payment is only available to UK based organisations who register before August 31st ). If you require an invoice to raise payment please contact Joanna Hambridge  for further information. Please complete a  separate   for each delegate and ensure that the application form includes the billing contact details as well as the registered delegate details (if they are not the same) and return the completed application form to the BIEE Conference office address  shown on the registration form.

Regrettably we cannot accept credit or debit card payments over the phone.


Contact Us

For registration queries  contact  Joanna Hambridge

Tel +44    07876 477449


For general enquiries,  contact Debbie Heywood

Tel +44 (0) 1296 747916


BIEE-Refund policy-2017

Company  Information

Comments for BIEE Members only.
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