
European Energy in a Challenging World: the impact of emerging markets - Conference Programme

European Energy in a Challenging World:
the impact of emerging markets

 Day 1: Wednesday September  19th 2012


Accommodation Registration
Main Porter’s Lodge, St John’s College, St Giles, Oxford, OX1,3JP


Conference Registration
Garden Quad Registration Desk



Gareth Davies, Poyry Energy Oxford, BIEE Chair

Keynote Address ‘Investing in the Future’

Steve Riley, CEO and President , UK- Europe, International Power plc 

 First Plenary Session -‘The Long-term Future to 2050’

 Session Chair: Professor Richard Green, Imperial College,  Conference Chair
 11:20  Shell Scenarios
Jeremy Bentham, Vice President , Global Business Environment,  Shell
 11:40  The UK Carbon Plan
Steven Fries, Chief Economist, Department for Energy and Climate Change
 12:00 Delivering the low carbon energy jigsaw.  Will the technology and incentive pieces fit?
Peter Dodd , Director of Stakeholder Relations, Energy Technologies Institute
12:20 Questions and Discussion

Lunch – Garden Quad


 First Parallel Session


Electricity 1

Energy Demand

Energy Modelling

Oil and Gas

Energy System Transitions

Auditorium  Dolphin Lecture room Prestwich North Lecture room  Larkin
Session Chair
Phil Grant, Baringa Partners
Session Chair
Ben Irons, Centrica Energy
Session Chair
John Dimitropoulos, Kema
Session Chair
Peter Stewart, Interfax
Session Chair
Peter Connor, University of Exeter
 14:00 Is Green Healthy for Competition? Renewable Technologies, Optimal Generation Mix and Price Volatility in Competitive Electricity Markets
Professor Asher Tishler, Tel Aviv University
Predicting the diversity of internal temperatures from English dwellings using panel  regression methods
Mr Scott Kelly, University of Cambridge
Modelling the UK energy system: practical insights for technology development and policy making Mr. George Day, Energy Technologies Institute The Economics of CO2 Sequestration through Enhanced Oil Recovery
Professor Charles Mason, University of Wyoming
Developments within the UK Wave Energy Sector
Mr. Angus Vantoch-Wood, University of Exeter
 14:30 Political Shocks and Efficient Investment in Electricity Markets
Professor Felix Muesgens, Brandenburg University of Technology
A review of the costs and benefits of demand response for electricity in  the UK
Mr. Peter Bradley, University of Surrey
Macroeconomic costs and benefits for the EU as a first mover in climate change mitigation: a computable general equilibrium analysis
Dr Lenoidas  Paroussos,  National Technical University of Athens
Third Party Access to Infrastructure and the Future Recovery of Oil and Gas Reserves in the UKCS
Professor Alexander Kemp, University of Aberdeen
Electricity storage in future GB networks – a market failure?
Mr. Philipp Grunewald, Imperial College, London
 15:00 Is there still merit in the merit order stack? The impact of dynamic constraints on optimal plant mix
Dr Iain Staffell, Imperial College, London
Estimating Direct And Indirect Rebound Effects For UK Households
Dr Mona Chitnis, University of Surrey
An empirical study of the information premium on electricity markets
Mr. Richard Biegler-König, University of Duisburg-Essen
Crude oil futures markets: Does NYMEX trade and the decoupling of WTI and Brent affect ICE trade?
Professor Ronald Ripple. Curtin University
The UK Accelerated Innovation System for Energy: A critical review and a commentary
Dr Mark Winskel, Edinburgh University


 15:45 A nuclear renaissance for Europe?
Professor Gordon MacKerron SPRU, University of Sussex
The impact of future heat demand pathways on the economics of low carbon heating systems
Mr. Robert Sansom, Imperial College, London
Managing Low Carbon Technology Options in the Electricity Sector: A Case Study of Guangdong Province in China
Dr Xi Liang, University of Exeter
 Mind The Gap: Experienced Engineers Wanted
Mr. Maxime Le Floch, AXA Investment Managers
16::15 Discussion The Green Deal and the Energy Company Obligation – will it work?
Mr. Jan Rosenow, ECI, Oxford University
Energy Conservation Contests as Field Experiments on Strategic Allocation of Effort
Dr Philomena Bacon, LUMS, Lancaster University
Implications of local content policies for oil and gas sectorsProf Yelena Kalyuzhnova, University of Reading Transition pathways for a low carbon electricity system in the UK: Key findings and policy messages
Dr Timothy Foxon, University of Leeds
 16:45  Discussion   Discussion   Discussion   Discussion   Discussion

Research Roadshow – Student Poster Session
Room: Garden Quad Reception

Session Chair: Dr Peter Connor, University of Exeter
The small-scale feed-in tariff in Great Britain:its role in electricity system transition
Mr. Jimmy Aldridge, The University of Exeter
 European Electricity Co-operation: The Role of Import and Export in CO2 Reduction
Miss Kwanruetai Boonyasana, The University of Leicester
 Effects of Utilization in Real-time on Electricity Capacity Assessments
Mr. Alasdair Bruce, University of Edinburgh
How the internal rate of return drives bias in energy investment decisions
Ms. Tanja Groth, Aarhus University/Stirling.DK ApS
Exploring policies for the transition towards electric vehicles
Mr. Christoph Mazur, Imperial College, London
Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Efficiency and Innovation in Power Distribution Networks: The Case of Norway
Mr. Rahmatallah Poudineh , Heriot-Watt University
The Resource Curse Hypothesis Re-Visited – Evidence Using Heterogeneous Panel Analysis
Mr. Mahmud Suleiman, University of Surrey
Identifying Uncertainty in Energy System Models
Mr. Will Usher, UCL, Energy Institute
The Economics of LNG Export Contract Flexibility: a quantitative approach
Miss Yichi Zhang, University of Cambridge

 Drinks – Garden Quad Reception


Conference Dinner – St John’s College Dining Hall

After Dinner Speaker – The Rt. Hon the Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

 Day 2: Thursday September 20th 2012


 Second Plenary Session – ‘International pressures on Europe’s energy supplies’

Session Chair: Prof. Yelena Kalyuzhnova , University of Reading
 09:00 International pressures on Europe’s energy supplies: what are the natural gas issues ?
Prof. Jonathan Stern, Chairman, Natural Gas Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies 
 09:25 A UK Perspective on European Energy Security and the Changing Supply Options
Angus Miller,  Caspian Energy Advisor , Foreign and Commonwealth Office
 09:50 Long Term Outlook
Christof Rühl, Chief Economist , BP plc
10:15  Questions and Discussion



 Second Parallel Session


Carbon Prices

Electricity 2

Emerging Markets

Energy for Transport


Larkin Prestwich  North Lecture room Dolphin Lecture room  Auditorium
Session Chair
Edward Libbey , Clive Stokes
Session Chair
Richard Green, Imperial College
Session Chair
Yelena Kalyuzhnova , University of Reading
Session Chair
Gareth Davies, Poyry Energy , Oxford
Session Chair
Tim Foxon, University of Leeds
11:00 Information Assimilation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: A Microstructure Study Miss Jiayuan Chen, University College Dublin Germany´s energy transition and its effect on European electricity spot markets
Mrs. Melanie Houllier, Cass Business School
A Mediterranean electricity co-operation strategy. Vision and rationale
Dr. Alessandro Rubino, Enel Foundation
Decarbonising surface transport in 2050
Mr. Eric Ling, Committee on Climate Change
The impact of installer business models on the uptake of residential micro generation in the UK: Evidence from a nation-wide survey
Mr. Richard Hanna, University of Surrey
11:30 Co-movements between carbon, energy and financial markets. A multivariate GARCH approach
Mr. Nicolas Koch, University of Hamburg
Market integration, efficiency and interconnectors
Dr. Rabindra Nepal,
Herriott Watt University

The Potential Impact on Europe of Russia’s Evolving Domestic Gas Market
Dr. James Henderson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
 Spatial Panel Data Models and Fuel Demand in Brazil
Dr Gervasio Santos, Federal University of Bahia
Effectiveness of Feed-In Tariff Schemes for Solar PV: The Miracle Case of Italy
Mr.Piergiorgio Chelucci, KEMA
12:00 Carbon Taxation if Liquefied Coal will (not) Substitute Oil and Gas
Mr. Florian Habermacher, University of St. Gallen
Valuation of Interconnector Transmission Rights – Do Auction Prices Reflect Option Values?
Ms Celine McInerney, University College Cork
Unconventional Gas – A review of estimates
Mr. Jamie Speirs, Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology
Unlocking a path dependency? The case of Brazilian ethanol implementation in Petrobras
Mr. Nelson Mojarro Gonzalez, University of Sussex

What’s the future role of photovoltaics in the UK energy mix? A discussion of recent market and policy developments
Dr. Chiara Candelise, Imperial College, London
 12:30 Cumulative Carbon Emissions and Climate Change
Dr. John Rhys, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
How large should a portfolio of wind farms be?
Prof. Richard Green, Imperial College


Lunch – Garden Quad


Chairmen’s Panel
A chance to hear summaries of the parallel session papers and debates


 BIEE Prize For Best Student Posters

Gareth Davies – BIEE Chair

Third Plenary Session ‘Paying for investment’

Session Chair: Benjamin Klooss, BP plc
14:50 Global Trends in Clean Energy Investment
Michael Liebreich, Chief Executive , Bloomberg New Energy Finance
15:15 Perspectives of an Energy Infrastructure Investor
Mathew Rose, Group Head of Strategic Partnering, National Grid
15:40 Policy Aspects of Renewable Energy Finance
irsty Hamilton,  Low Carbon Finance Group 
16:05  Questions and Discussion

 Tea and Depart

To download  a copy of the conference programme please click here

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