
Pathways to a low carbon economy – the role of natural gas and biofuels

Ben Taylor, Shell

To 2050 there is an expectation of rising energy demand, increasing supply pressure and growing impacts from climate change. Shell’s response to the challenge is based on supplying more natural gas and biofuels, progressing CCS and improving the energy efficiency of their operations. Gas and biofuels are seen as essential components to a low carbon economy. Gas has both short and long-term advantages for the energy mix: coal to gas switching is the quickest and cheapest way to meet near term emission reduction targets; it is the cheapest and most flexible complementary supply to intermittent renewables; and with CCS is part of a long term solution.  In respect to the growing demand for mobility, for both passengers and freight, there is no single solution, but vehicle efficiency and lower CO2 liquid fuels, particularly biofuels will play important roles.

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