
On June 20th Joan MacNaughton will be speaking at  UCL on  the subject  of clean energy investment. Faced with a predicted growth in global energy demand of more than 30% by 2035; with the challenge of giving the billions who currently lack them access to modern energy services; and with reconfiguring the legacy capital stock of developed nations with energy infrastructure suited to keep the increase in global average temperatures to a manageable level, policy makers across the world need to construct frameworks which will drive investment in the energy sector to unprecedented levels at an unprecedented pace. This lecture will explore what kinds of policies are likely to work, drawing on work for the World Energy Council which assesses the energy policies of nearly 100 countries. It will summrise what energy industry leaders need from policymakers to be able to unlock their balance sheets to help deliver secure, affordable and clean energy services, and touch on what the policy response can and should be at this critical juncture.

The meeting will take place   6.30  – 8.00 on June 20th at UCL

Pearson Building,
University College London
Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT



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