
IGov Paper : Governance and disruptive energy system change

This paper from IGov explores the biases towards the conventional energy system currently in place in GB; it looks at potentially destabilising factors at work in the GB energy system; it looks at disruptive influences at work in the wider energy system; and it asks whether those wider factors are sufficient to force change in the GB energy system. There has been an avalanche of financial analysis reports over the last year which predict that disruption to the conventional centralised utility model is coming and that conventional centralised utility models are going to have to restructure or else will no longer fit for purpose. Read more

Citi  is the latest financial institution to publish a short report’Unwinding the Big Six’ on the future of the centralised utility model , but with a specific focus on GB. They argue that due to increasing competition the market share of the Big 6 will decline from 98% in 2013 to below 70% by 2020; and that the total profit pool available to them will decline by 40% by 2020. Ultimately, they say, all of the large utilities will need to restructure their supply business and improve customer services to remain competitive. Read More

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