
Climate Change Committee (CCC): COP27 Key outcomes and next steps for the UK

This briefing takes stock of global progress after COP27 and identifies key actions for the UK in response, both at home and internationally.

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Key messages

The UK has an important international leadership role to play in driving global implementation, underpinned by action at home:

  • Defining the UK’s role. The delayed 2030 Strategic Framework (the Government’s vision for the UK’s long-term international role tackling climate change and biodiversity loss) is an opportunity to set out the UK’s leadership role in helping the world achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • Future COPs and UK diplomatic capability. After exiting the EU and convening COP26, the UK Government should decide what its priorities are in COP negotiations and communicate these at a high level. The relationships and capabilities built through the Presidency should be used to actively champion progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and take forward the delivery of pledges and initiatives.
  • Mobilising finance. As a major finance centre and sponsor of the multilateral development banks, the UK should pay particular attention to its positions on mobilising finance, which are vital to global success on climate change, and how it contributes to future Just Energy Transition Partnerships.
  • Delivering the UK’s contributions to the Paris Agreement. The UK must implement its Net Zero Strategy to deliver its legislated domestic targets and international commitments. It must strengthen its response on climate adaptation, which remains weak, with an ambitious, action-oriented third National Adaptation Programme in 2023.

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