
Resources / Energy demand

BIEE Conference 2023: National / Local Plenary Session – Speaker Presentations

Thursday 21 September National / Local How to solve the UK energy trilemma with an efficient mix of energy from home and abroad, and what role do markets or c...

BIEE Conference 2023: International Plenary Session – Speaker Presentations

Wednesday 20 September International This year the UK’s interrelation with global energy flows and constraints has become visible as never before. In this s...

2022 energy crisis: Has Europe weathered the storm?

Elena Reshetova Fortum, Finland Market environment recap (January 2022 – September 2023): A recap of the European 2022 energy crisis that centered around...

Why don’t governments pay more attention to energy demand? Investigating systemic reasons for the supply/ demand asymmetry in energy policy

Yekatherina Bobrova1, Nick Eyre1, Tina Fawcett1, Colin Nolden1,2 and George Papachristos3 1University of Oxford, UK, 2University of Bristol, UK, 3TU Eindhov...

Energy transitions in emerging economies: policy recommendations for incentivising demand response in Chile 

Catarina Araya Cardoso University of Westminster, UK In emerging and developing economies, there has been significant growth in renewable energy investmen...

Household appliance prioritization under limited access to electricity – A stated preference approach

Lars Persson1,2 and Adan L. Martinez-Cruz3,2 1Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden, 2Centre for Environmental and Resource Economics, Sweden, 3...

Commercially resilient net-zero industrial clusters exploit the system value of low-carbon technologies and infrastructure

Nixon Sunny, Niall Mac Dowell and Nilay Shah Imperial College London, UK The United Kingdom (UK) had the second lowest industrial natural gas prices in Euro...

Approaches to industrial cluster decarbonisation: lessons from international experience

Imogen Rattle University of Leeds, UK In a growing number of developed economies, industrial decarbonisation policy is focusing on how to reduce emissions...

Net Zero Teesside: Lessons from actors and networks in industrial decarbonization projects

Kyle S Herman, Marfuga Iskandarova and Benjamin Sovacool University of Sussex, UK This paper explores the Teesside industrial cluster, which is the most geo...

Bending over backwards? Measuring flexibility in UK household energy consumption

Phil Grünewald Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford Demand side flexibility has moved from a niche interest towards the mainstream. Nation...

“Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes” – An independent plan to retrofit the UK’s housing stock, developed for the Labour Party, by a cross sector group of UK industry experts

Donal Brown University of Sussex, UK Dr Donal Brown will present the ‘Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes’ report, commissioned by Labour and Ed Miliband MP i...

Consumer choice and willingness-to-pay for heating system attributes

Mona Chitnis and Mohammad Hossain University of Surrey, UK Overview Residential heating systems in the UK, which account for 60% of the nation's heat use, ...
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